Saturday, 5 December 2015

A Not-so-Pretentious Movie Review

Okay, so, here’s the thing: I write when I’m in my head, I write when my emotions are scattered all over the goddamn universe, and the several milliseconds in between (a fact you might have noticed if you’ve known me for a while). And so, I decided to scribble this down while the Tamasha-hangover is still fresh in my mind; because this movie turned me into a lovelorn maniac.

I’m not going to get into the gory details, since I presume everyone has already been fed with eclectic reviews about it being an unnecessarily lengthy movie and shit like that. Let me break it down to you in a slightly simple manner: those who found the movie boring, are the ones who didn’t understand it. You need a certain amount of patience and gray matter to decrypt the complex human tendencies Imtiaz Ali attempts to portray. You see, his hunger as a storyteller prods him to cross the boundaries of the mundane, and step into a mystical land; a land meant for artists and the like. This is what makes him ahead of his time, and one of the best writers and visionaries Bollywood has ever seen.  

I can list down a long parchment of reasons as to why you should watch Tamasha, but my chatty blogger tendencies can’t keep up with the busy schedule of my readers, and so here goes:

You should watch it because Corsica is probably a place adjacent to Hogwarts, as it pretty much looked like a city where all the magic happens, and also a place I’ve added to my ‘most-definitely-must-visit’ list. You should watch it because the only thing as pretty as Corsica, is Deepika herself. So subtle, so poised, so elegant. She’s what a painter dreams of. And, and, AND, the reason why you should abso-frikkin-lutely MUST watch Tamasha, is because Ranbir is a powerhouse of versatility. His talent and charisma sparkle throughout the movie, and he owns the soul of the character with dignity. Ved is the kid you were, and the man you wish you could be. Ranbir and Deepika’s chemistry electrifies the screen and overflows down the ambience. If certain moments seem a little tedious, remember it’s all worthwhile since this is a story that will tap into the nostalgic corners of your memory. A story so poignant, it’s like poetry in motion. And the thing about poetry, is that not everyone gets it.

So, to all the story-lovers out there, and the rest of mankind: please go experience this tale.

Till I write again,

Creative Insanity. 

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