Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Santa is on his Way!

There are certain childhood memories that you carry in your heart forever, for me Christmas is one of them. Reading about it in all those wonderful, snowy fairy tales; sleeping with the hope that I’ll wake up to see plenty of gifts next to me bed (which still does come true, thanks to my parents substituting for Santa :D), peeping from the blanket to check if Santa is snooping around my room.. *sigh* such are my childish childhood memories. Years have passed, but the memories are as fresh as yesterday, and call it imbecile, but I still believe in all of it. Well, cut the ‘Santa distributing gifts’ part if you like, but I do believe that there is someone, a guardian angel, who takes the vow of shedding away all the pain from our lives, and makes us smile, even it’s for just one day. :) Perks of being a firm believer of Fairy Tales, I guess. :D

I love the festive smell in the air, people singing carols, sipping wine, eating cake- *smile* *smile* *smile*And since I am in my homeland at the moment, what’s better than spending this time of the year with your family? J So, my Christmas tree is ready and so is my Christmas hat; and I’m all set to go and get the cake :D So, without boring you all anymore, I wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas! J May Santa come to your doorstep riding on his sleigh, and bring along loads of gifts of happiness for this year and many more. :) Be happy, sing the Christmas carols and keep believing, ‘cause you never know when a big, chubby, white-bearded man might grant your heartfelt wishes! :D

Lots of Christmasy love,
Creative Insanity. 

Thursday, 20 December 2012

It’s High Time, Let’s Wake Up.

The world might not have come to an end, but humanity vice it definitely has suffered a collapse. Needless to detail it out, we all know about the horrifying crime that has left the whole of India shocked to its wits. My favourite city, Delhi, was never really safe, but now it has officially registered itself as the most unsafe capital city in the world.

A girl, of a mere age of 23, who was travelling with her  friend on a late evening, took a bus, and was completely unaware of the savagery that was awaiting her.  She was raped constantly, brutally beaten up, and was thrown on the road, and not even a single being even bothered to cover up the girl while she was lying there destroyed, exposed and devastated. Then why are we blaming the government alone, when the common human being itself shows no sign of humanity? The government controls the public, yes; but isn’t the other way around true as well? If we leave our souls down the drain and flush away our compassionate side, then we have no right to throw the charges on anyone else. First change your own thinking, and then set out to change the world. Don’t advise your daughters to come back home early or cover up; instead, teach your sons to be a man, or human, at least. Stop the gender discrimination; stop the narrow-minded, stereotypic way of viewing everything. First cleanse your mind. Maybe then we can rinse the society of its dirt. 

FB posts, e-mails, forwards, nothing is really going to help. It will cause an outrage for maybe a week, but then it will all fizzle out. Before losing our faith in humanity, what needs to be done is restoring humanity itself; the seriousness of the situation needs to be understood, the monsters need to be punished for their heinous, barbaric and inhuman and unforgivable crime. Our entire nation should collectively raise its voice; so much so that those in power finally make the correct use of their position to bring justice to the ripe soul that’s breathing a vegetable life right now. And seven years of imprisonment for ruining a girl’s life forever? I mean, SERIOUSLY? Those beasts should be publicly beaten up, tortured and humiliated, just like they did to that innocent girl, and then be sent to prison and be tortured so badly that they beg for death. Even then it won’t bring justice, but at least maybe, maybe if next time any man even begins to brew such thoughts, he’ll stop at least for the sake of being punished if not for the sake of humanity.

Meanwhile, let’s remember her in our prayers, the girl for whom life will probably never be the same again, but who sure as hell is trying her best. Let’s pray she not only survives, but that God gives her the strength to live. She, like every girl in the world, has the right to be happy and live her life whichever way she wants. Let’s just pray she can do that. Amen. And in the meantime, let’s not lose faith, shall we?

Take care, you all.

Creative Insanity. 

PC- The Epiphany of Spontaneity.